Episode 03 | Part Two: Jennifer McClure, CEO, Unbridled Talent & DisruptHR

Kathleen concludes her discussion with Jennifer McClure,  the Chief Executive Officer of Unbridled Talent and Chief Excitement Officer of DisruptHR. In part two, Jennifer talks about some of the best ways to network online, the inspiration and importance of DisruptHR, and her dream podcast guest. Connect with Jennifer on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.  And find out more about Jennifer here and about DisruptHR here. About Jennifer McClure: Jennifer is an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and high-performance coach who works with leaders to leverage their influence, increase their impact, and accelerate results. Frequently recognized as a global influencer and expert on the future of work, strategic leadership and innovative people strategies, Jennifer has decades of in-the-trenches leadership and executive experience working in and with startups, privately held companies, and Fortune 500 organizations in a variety of industries. As a top-rated keynote speaker, Jennifer has shared her insights with thousands of leaders at conferences and corporate events around the world. Clients include Procter & Gamble, General Electric, IBM, SAP, Bloomberg, Charles Schwab, Stryker, LinkedIn, Notre Dame University, Society for Human Resource Management, Association for Legal Administrators, and Association for Talent Development. In her informative and entertaining keynote programs and workshops, she shares a blend of research, best practices, case studies and storytelling which leaves audience members inspired and motivated to take action when they return to work. Jennifer is also the Chief Excitement Officer of DisruptHR, a global community designed to move the collective thinking forward when it comes to talent in the workplace, and she hosts a weekly podcast – Impact Makers with Jennifer McClure – sharing conversations with practitioners, entrepreneurs, authors and speakers who are changing the world while building careers that they love, and lives that matter.

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Kathleen Duffy

The ability to scale and customize processes to deliver an optimal outcome is advantageous to employers and job- seekers alike. Her proven approach to recruitment has been so successful that Kathleen has written a book to be published in June, Revolutionizing Recruitment: How Recruitment Research is Reshaping the Industry, to help other hiring leaders perfect their recruitment practices. Kathleen balances her role as president of her busy firm with numerous business and community endeavors. She…

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